A Jesus Attitude

Escrito el 12/07/2021

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus ... Who made Himself nothing. taking the very nature of a servant. Philippians 2:5, 7

           Some people need to be in charge ... control freaks. They want to be the most important, make all the decisions, and not do any dirty work. Yeah, some jobs are just below them. Well, if you have that kind of attitude you're not reflecting Christ. Does this make sense - Jesus is the Son of God ... the Creator of the uni- verse. But He didn't have to be the most impor- tant guy in the crowd. He came to serve others. He even washed His disciples' feet. That's about the lowest job He could have done. But He wanted to meet other people's needs and do whatever He could for them. That's the way He wants you to be, too.

Dear Lord, serving others is not what I want to do. Please help me to have an attitude like Jesus. Amen.